What’s Inside Your Head?

Written in loving memory of Carla Howell’s brother Charlie, who was autistic and mostly non-verbal.

What listeners said about What’s Inside Your Head?:
“Sweet” “Beautiful” “Haunting”
“Love the minor key” “Rich bass clarinet”
“Message shines through” “Creamy background vocals”
“Very touching” “Poignant”

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Genre: Adult contemporary, alternative, singer-songwriter

Duration: 2:41

Vocals: Carla Howell
Piano: Jiri Nedoma
Bass Clarinet: Mike Thomas
Acoustic Guitar: Clay Steininger
Bass: Dave Hines
Drums: Lee Fish

Words and Music by Carla Howell (BMI)
Produced by Carla Howell and Les Fish
Sound Engineering by Matt Hayes
Recorded and mastered at Wellspring Sound, Acton, MA
Illustration by Ammara Zaianb


Tell me, Charlie, what’s inside your head?
I know you hear everything that’s said
Are you happy?
What’s inside your head?
Signal to me
What’s inside your head?

Rocking, pacing
What’s inside your head?
Stubborn, staying
What’s inside your head?
Now you’re smiling
Now you’re feeling right
Grinning, beaming
Everything’s alright

Won’t you come out?
What’s inside your head?
We can go out
What’s inside your head?
Now you’re standing, waiting by the car
Let’s go riding
We won’t go too far
Oo-oo. Oo-oo. Oo-oo. Oo-oo

Hey there, Charlie, what’s inside your head?
I cannot know what’s inside your head
One thing I knew from the very start
Gentle kindness
That’s inside your heart
Precious sweetness
That’s inside your heart

© 2022 Carla Howell all rights reserved