Rise Forever, Liberty

A libertarian anthem

What listeners said about Rise Forever, Liberty:
“A great anthem”
“Good 4th of July song”
“I really like the bonsai allegory”
“Well-written and executed”

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Genre: Anthem, pop

Duration: 2:45

Vocals: Carla Howell
Background vocals: Carla Howell and Les Fish
Keyboard: Jiri Nedoma
Flute: Tucker Antell
Bass: Marc-Andre Drouin
Drums: Lee Fish

Words and Music by Carla Howell (BMI)
Produced by Carla Howell and Les Fish
Sound Engineering by Matt Hayes
Recorded and mastered at Wellspring Sound, Acton, MA
Additional Sound Engineering by Ben Mellott
Illustration by Aaron Herrara


My country ’tis of thee
Tis of this sweet land I sing
Champion of Liberty
Showed the world we need no king

To hold a fragile freedom
We must cut back tirelessly
The branches, roots of government
Like a potted bonsai tree

My country
My homeland
Fine shoreline
Sweet heartland
For you, I stand unwaveringly
Rise forever, liberty

Sweeping, meddling government
Eats away what freedoms gain
Wealth and peace and harmony
Turn to struggle, war and pain

Will you join me, patriot?
We must prune the bonsai tree
Cast each bough that binds us now
Until we’re truly free

Join me!

My country
My homeland
Fine shoreline
Sweet heartland
For you, I stand unwaveringly
Rise forever, liberty

© 2019 Carla Howell all rights reserved